Tackling economic inequality
We recognise people with great talent in tech can come from any background - but that more opportunities are needed for people from lower socio-economic backgrounds to enter and succeed.
According to the 2019 BIMA Tech Inclusion and Diversity Report 1 in 5 people had no previous tech experience and 23% said they were self taught. 44% of respondents were the first generation of their family to go to university, a little lower than the national picture.
As part of our commitment to tackling economic inequality we ensure our job ads are fair and clear. We make potential a core component of recruitment, we balance the weighting of transferable and technical skills, and we emphasise competence rather than qualifications.
We pay attention to the company culture, sharing a narrative about why socio-economic diversity is important. We support staff with opportunities to develop and progress.
We collaborate with organisations working to improve opportunities for people from lower socio-economic backgrounds by:
- Taking part in the BIMA Digital Day to encourage students to think about careers in tech
- Providing work experience and apprenticeships opportunities
- Donate old equipment to local organisations
We have signed up to the Tech Talent Charter - a group of organisations committed to improving diversity within tech.