Performance feedback
At Studio 24, we want to have a culture of feedback and continuous improvement, so that we can support and grow your team.
With the help of Know Your Team we have stopped doing annual reviews, and instead encourage people to give continuous feedback to each other.
Instead of fixating on the things that don’t matter in a performance review process (how long should the cycles be, are there drop-downs or multiple choice questions)… We focus on what singularly matters: The Interaction. Positive and helpful interaction is at the core of effective teamwork and performance. When your team member is willing to tell you, to your face, objectively and kindly, what could be better — that’s when performance improves. High-quality team interactions lead to high team performance.
How does it work?
We have adopted the seven principles suggested by Know Your Team to create a culture of feedback at work, where we are always learning and growing. These are:
Separate compensation conversations
We separate conversations about pay-rises and promotions from growth and development. That way we can focus on what we can do to improve the way we work - without worrying about how feedback and improvements might affect how much we get paid.
We review salaries at least once a year. We are currently working towards a standardised pay scale to ensure fairness of pay across the agency.
Psychological safety at work
We understand the importance of mental wellness at work, and how vulnerable you can feel when asking for feedback. We work hard to create a space where each person can feel a safe sense of connection and trust with colleagues. This is the foundation to being able to give truthful, helpful feedback.
Inviting feedback, not imposing
Research show when you ask for feedback, there is a higher chance that you'll find it valuable, and are more likely to consider it.
High-frequency routines
Giving feedback is most effective when it is given close to the moment it happened, it is more likely to have a positive affect. We also know how hard it can be to find the time to give feedback. So we create time and space in your week, to enable you to give feedback, and reflect on feedback you have received.
Multidirectional, not unilateral
By asking for feedback from both your peers and your managers, you get a better perspective on what's going well and what can be improved on.
Practical training
Giving actionable, objective feedback, and receiving it in a productive way, is hard! We have lots of opportunities and tips to learn and practice how to give and receive feedback. The Know Your Team feedback performance tool has plenty of guides and tips, we have regular slots at all team meetings and company days discussing feedback together, and we have collated tips and information on our Basecamp HQ on giving feedback (private link).
Active, shared self-reflection
Self reflection give us the chance to think about what is important to us to work on, what are our goals, what can we improve upon to reach them, and how do they fit in with our company goals. This is a chance to consider what we can change, and what we can keep doing, to improve.