Other flexible working arrangements
We support flexible working hours for all staff. You can find details of this on our hybrid working page.
If you need to change your normal working hours to make these more flexible (e.g. part-time) either temporarily or permanently then we are happy to consider this for all staff. Please talk to your line manager in the first instance. The following is the legally required flexible working arrangements.
Other flexible working arrangements
All employees who have been continuously employed for twenty-six weeks at the date the application is made and who have not made another application for Flexible Working during the past twelve months, may apply for Flexible Working.
You should make an application in writing to your Manager and can only make one application in any 12-month period. This can be done on Form FW01 which can be obtained from your Manager.
The written request must come from you and must specify the Flexible Working arrangements being requested; whether you are making your request in relation to the Equality Act 2010, for example, as a reasonable adjustment for disability and the proposed commencement date. It must also state what effect, if any, the request will have on Studio 24 and how that might be dealt with. Please also state if any previous applications for Flexible Working have been made and the date of those applications.
On receipt of the application, a meeting will be arranged as soon as practicable to discuss the request. In some circumstances a discussion about your request may take place by telephone. If Studio 24 decides to accept your request without a meeting being necessary, they will write to you as soon as practicable confirming acceptance of your request.
Studio 24 will consider flexible working requests objectively and only refuse them if there are genuine business reasons for doing so. Studio 24 will endeavour to complete the whole process within a 3-month period. If more time than this is needed Studio 24 will, with your agreement, extend this time. Following the meeting or conversation, within a reasonable timeframe, Studio 24 will write to you, either agreeing to a new work pattern and start date,or provide an explanation as to why your application cannot be accepted.
Please be aware that new working arrangements are a contractual change to your terms and conditions of employment unless you are notified differently.
There may be instances where a trial period is agreed before a final decision is made or where the new arrangements are for a limited time only. This will be confirmed to you in writing.
Requests will be considered in the order they are received.
You may, if you wish, appeal against the decision made. You should do this within fourteen days of receiving the written notification, following which an appeal meeting will take place within a reasonable timeframe of the appeal being received. The outcome of the appeal will be notified to you in writing.
You have the right to be accompanied at all of the above meetings.