Company property
All records, papers, equipment, source code and other items relating in any way to the business of Studio 24 and its customers and held by you or under your control whilst employed by Studio 24 shall be and shall remain the property of Studio 24.
You must return to Studio 24 all such company property as required, but in any event (whether demanded or not) on termination of this employment. After leaving Studio 24 employment you shall not retain copies of company property in any form.
If you are issued with tools or any other equipment by Studio 24 in order to undertake your job these must be kept in a good condition. Studio 24 reserves the right to deduct from any monies owed to you the cost of replacing or repairing any items which are either not returned or are returned in a damaged condition.
You are allowed to take your Studio 24 laptop home in order to help carry out your normal duties. You are not allowed to take Studio 24 equipment out of the UK without permission from your line manager. Studio 24 only has a limited amount of IT equipment insurance for outside the UK.
You are not allowed to take any other Studio 24 tools, materials or equipment off Studio 24 premises unless you are authorised to do so by your line manager.