Grievance procedure
If you have a grievance relating to your employment, you should in the first instance raise the matter with your line manager who will try to resolve the issue in question. Most grievances should be resolved at this informal stage.
If you are not satisfied with the answer given at this informal stage, you should raise the matter in writing with your line manager. You will be given the opportunity to discuss your grievance at a formal hearing which will be arranged within seven working days of your grievance being received and you will receive a response within seven working days of the hearing.
If you wish to appeal against the decision given at this stage, you should raise the matter in writing with Simon Jones giving full details of your appeal. A formal hearing will be arranged within seven working days of your appeal being received and you will receive a response within seven days of the hearing.
You have the right to be accompanied by a fellow employee or trade union representative beyond the informal stage of the Grievance Procedure. If you raise a grievance maliciously or vexatiously you may be subject to disciplinary action if after investigation the grievance proves to be lacking in substance.