Health and safety policy
General statement
Studio 24 recognises that it has a duty under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 to safeguard as far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of all staff at their place of work.
Studio 24’s Health and Safety Policy is displayed on the Intranet and staff are required to comply with it together with any other safety procedures which may be issued from time to time. Staff are reminded that they are responsible for ensuring that they act in a safe and sensible manner whilst at the office and failure to do so will lead to disciplinary action by Studio 24 and possibly criminal proceedings under the Health and Safety at Work Act.
Studio 24 will provide adequate control of the Health and Safety risks arising from our work activities.
The Company ensures that all its employees are competent to carry out their tasks and given adequate information, instruction, training and supervision.
The Company will encourage all employees to be actively involved in maintaining safe operating conditions and practices.
This policy will be regularly reviewed to ensure that these standards of health and safety are maintained.
Organisation and responsibilities
Simon Jones has overall responsibility for health and safety in the Company, and will:
- Ensure suitable financial provision is made for health & safety obligations;
- Provide a safe working environment for employees and other who may be affected by the work activities;
- Ensure that the health and safety policy is effectively implemented throughout the company;
- Provide appropriate training, information, supervision and instruction to employees;
- Ensure work is planned to take into account health & safety issues;
- Provide adequate welfare facilities for their employees in accordance to the Workplace, (Health, Safety and Welfare) regulations 1992.
All employees shall at all times take reasonable care of themselves and have due regard for the health and safety of others who may be affected by their work activities.
Risk assessments
Risk assessments are a legal duty under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999. Regulation 3 states:
- Every employer shall make suitable and sufficient assessment of the risks to the health and safety of his employees to which they are exposed whilst they are at work;
- Every employer shall make suitable and sufficient assessment of persons not in his employment arising out of, or in connection this, by him or his undertaking.
The objective is to examine all work areas and procedures to assess or determine if a risk or potential risks exist, categorise the severity of the risk with a view to elimination, substitution, reduction or control of the risk to help create a safe working environment.
The head of the Company ensures operators are provided with appropriate instruction and training on risk assessments. Assessments are reviewed annually or when the work activity changes, whichever comes first.
Display screen equipment
Display screen operators may suffer from postural difficulties and visual fatigue.
Postural hazards result from poor ergonomics and working environment. The following may produce fatigue-related conditions:
- sitting in an immobile position for long periods
- high rates of repetitive finger movements, with the wrists bent
- poor circulation to the legs
- pressure from the seat/chair upon the thighs caused by incorrectly adjusted seat.
Visual fatigue may result from the following:
- poor screen display, such as low contrast or flickering
- high levels of ambient light compared to the screen display
- reflections or glare.
These can produce eye strain, headaches or other related symptoms. It is our policy to exceed, where possible, the minimum health and safety requirements of the law. We aim to provide a working environment that is both comfortable and maximises the effectiveness of employees.
In order to achieve our goals, we will put in place arrangements and procedures for the assessment of risks from the use of DSE. The risk assessment will be followed by the provision, maintenance and monitoring of appropriate control measures to minimise any risks identified.
Eyes and Eyesight testing
- All staff are entitled to a free eyesight test on request
- The Company will pay a nominal fee towards the cost of glasses or contact lenses for DSE work on production of a valid receipt.
- The Company will not ordinarily replace glasses or contact lenses that are lost or damaged.
Welfare arrangements are provided in line with the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992.
Studio 24 Ltd ensures that the Workplace Approved Code of Practice is met by ensuring that the minimum number of sanitary conveniences is provided in line with the figures below.
Where toilets are used only by women or jointly by men and women the minimum number of facilities provided will be:
Number of people at work | Number of water closets | Number of washstations |
1 to 5 | 1 | 1 |
6 to 25 | 2 | 2 |
26 to 50 | 3 | 3 |
51 to 75 | 4 | 4 |
76 to 100 | 5 | 5 |
Accidents at work
If there is an accident at work staff will request the assistance of a first aider and ensure the person affected is helped as safely as possible. In case of a medical emergency and a first aider is not on site, staff will call 999 and administer first aid as instructed by the call handler.
A First Aid Box is maintained in the office and is stored in the kitchen area. The Accident book is stored alongside the First Aid Box. We have to, by law, record certain injuries and incidents at work. Please report any accident to your line manager who will ensure that it is recorded in the Accident Book.
All accidents defined in the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR) are reported to the appropriate enforcing authority by completing the Form F2508 using the on-line reporting procedure at
Exposure to fire can result in burns and inhalation of smoke, either of which can be sufficiently serious to be fatal. Fires can cause massive destruction to the building structure, services and equipment. We are legally obliged to safeguard our employees against exposure to the hazards associated with fire.
For these reasons, we undertake to put in place arrangements for the assessment of risks from fire and appropriate control measures to minimise the risks identified. These measures will include the following arrangements, procedures and controls:
- inspection of the structure of the premises for fire safety annually
- fire alarms will be regularly tested
- fire suppression apparatus will be inspected regularly
- emergency lighting will be provided as appropriate
- fire extinguishers will be placed at clearly labelled fire points
- emergency exit routes and signs to be kept clear at all times
These arrangements will be reviewed at least annually and on any significant change in the business or the premises.
In case of fire, if the Fire Marshall is on-site staff will follow their instructions. The Fire Marshall for Studio 24 is Alan Isaacson. The Fire Marshall may use the Fire extinguishers which can be located in the kitchen and staff room. If the Fire Marshall is not on site, staff will leave by the nearest exit and call 999. If staff can’t exit the building safely, they will retreat to an area protected by a fire door and call 999. The protected areas are the staff room and the development studio.
Staff must use and operate equipment in the appropriate manner prescribed and in cases of negligence, disciplinary action will be taken.
Please see our COVID-19 policy.
Questions, concerns or clarifications
If staff need any clarification on returning to work safely that isn’t addressed by this policy or the COVID-19 policy, Kate Jones will call the Health and Safety Executive COVID-19 enquiries number for guidance: Telephone: 0300 790 6787 (Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5pm).
Lasted updated 1/12/2021
Authorised by Simon Jones